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Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 16:12
by cupidstunt
Yes but if the border is moved to the uk at least we can put them back on the boat and fuck them off back to where they have just come from .Why welcome someone into your house when you know they will eventually kill you

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 16:30
by lee
cupidstunt wrote:Yes but if the border is moved to the uk at least we can put them back on the boat and fuck them off back to where they have just come from .Why welcome someone into your house when you know they will eventually kill you

After you have processed their asymlum claim and got passed the appeal.
There will be more people getting here than ever if we leave.

The last comment is pretty daft.

What nationality were the london 7/7 bombers?

3 brits and a jamaican.

Maybe we need to shift our focus to the bastards in the Caribbean?

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 16:38
by cupidstunt
Its not that stupid as what he said has now come true we now live in a mongrel country to scared to open our mouths in case the truth hurts some people tough shit i say .

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 17:45
by Occams Razor
cupidstunt wrote:Its not that stupid as what he said has now come true we now live in a mongrel country to scared to open our mouths in case the truth hurts some people tough shit i say .
We are a mongrel country and have been since the country came into existence, the only original Britons are those tucked into isolated valleys in South Wales, you can recognise them because they're blood group B. Then we had the ice age, at the end of the ice age we became an island, maybe this was when we got small minded bigoted views or maybe there was an ancient Daily Mail where the ancient Britons got their views from.
At the end of the ice age we got cut off from the rest of europe by the north sea and the channel then, about 5500 bc there was an influx of dirty stinking foreigners from where Poland and East Germany are now. These were the people who built the first burial chambers, stone circles and brought organised farming to the country. There's every chance they did cheap plumbing and put the poor ancient britons out of work as well and sent their money back home as well as claiming child benefit and tax credits.
Of course next came those pesky Romans, what did they ever do for us? We'd only just got rid of them when who comes along but those damned Angles and Saxons, more Germans (they might be ok though, at least they're white) they mostly stuck to the South and east of England. Us Northerners were quite smug about the whole thing till those bastard Vikings came along and wiped the smiles off our faces with all that raping and pillaging. It took a while for them to integrate and settle down here but just when everything seemed nice and peaceful the Normans came from France of all places, relax though, these weren't normal Frenchies they were basically Vikings themselves.
So that was basically it, except for the Celts who came in a couple of waves, they were Indo-europeans from around Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, that neck of the woods and of course we originally came from the great rift valley in central Africa.
The strange thing about immigration and all the horror stories about how bad things are is that I've barely noticed any effect on my life, some parts of Liverpool must be very different to where I live.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 17:59
by lee
Occams Razor wrote:
cupidstunt wrote:Its not that stupid as what he said has now come true we now live in a mongrel country to scared to open our mouths in case the truth hurts some people tough shit i say .
We are a mongrel country and have been since the country came into existence, the only original Britons are those tucked into isolated valleys in South Wales, you can recognise them because they're blood group B. Then we had the ice age, at the end of the ice age we became an island, maybe this was when we got small minded bigoted views or maybe there was an ancient Daily Mail where the ancient Britons got their views from.
At the end of the ice age we got cut off from the rest of europe by the north sea and the channel then, about 5500 bc there was an influx of dirty stinking foreigners from where Poland and East Germany are now. These were the people who built the first burial chambers, stone circles and brought organised farming to the country. There's every chance they did cheap plumbing and put the poor ancient britons out of work as well and sent their money back home as well as claiming child benefit and tax credits.
Of course next came those pesky Romans, what did they ever do for us? We'd only just got rid of them when who comes along but those damned Angles and Saxons, more Germans (they might be ok though, at least they're white) they mostly stuck to the South and east of England. Us Northerners were quite smug about the whole thing till those bastard Vikings came along and wiped the smiles off our faces with all that raping and pillaging. It took a while for them to integrate and settle down here but just when everything seemed nice and peaceful the Normans came from France of all places, relax though, these weren't normal Frenchies they were basically Vikings themselves.
So that was basically it, except for the Celts who came in a couple of waves, they were Indo-europeans from around Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, that neck of the woods and of course we originally came from the great rift valley in central Africa.
The strange thing about immigration and all the horror stories about how bad things are is that I've barely noticed any effect on my life, some parts of Liverpool must be very different to where I live.
Funny isn't it.

I love immigration arguments.

Amongst the best is the one about them coming here and getting free houses, benefits, blah blah.

I can walk a few hundred yards and find scores of people who have never payed a penny in tax, and who's only contribution to this land is the further burden on the state of the scores of kids they farmed with multiple fathers.
But hey, they were born here.

I have met many workers (not scroungers, bloody hard workers) from eastern europe, africa, central europe, and the last thing they ever want is a handout.

Im also lucky as not one of them took my job (and strangely i dont know a single person who has ever lost their job to a johnny foreigner?)

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 18:01
by Clarkey
The only difference between them and us is the lottery of birth

Live Forever or Die Trying

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 18:01
All this talk about the eu is more like the old vs young.
People go on about foreigners coming taking benefits and shit well my Mrs is Polish she has been here 7 years she came over as there was demand for neonatal icu graded nurses.
She works 14 hr day shifts keeping new born babies alive she doesn't get benefits she doesn't get any government handouts she doesn't send all her money back home only because I'm high maintenance lol..
But seriously don't tarnish all eu citizens with the same brush

Sent from my E6853 using Tapatalk

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 18:07
by Occams Razor
Spot on Lee, of course the point could be made about the British walking into Ireland, India, Australia, America, Canada, South Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, most of the Caribbean and dozens of other countries all over the world completely uninvited and imposing our ways on them. But maybe that's beside the point.

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 18:30
by Dave_W
Interesting read/views. Im still undecided - it appears were all doomed whichever way we vote. Typical political spin I suppose. Immigration seems to have tailed off the agenda a little lately and the focus has turned to how rich or poor we'll all be dependent upon which way we jump. I'm skint anyways and always will be so not gonna decide based on that. Immigration? Maintain that people who come here should contribute and integrate. Not too much to ask. I lose half my salary every month to contribute to supporting scroungers - I really don't care whether they are brits, Somalians, Greeks, black, yellow or white. Cut off their funds - give them a tent and teach em how to grow their own food. Free healthcare, policing and education I don't mind paying for - funding alcohol, smokes and their obesity now that passes me right off. That's probably more to do with our nanny state though I guess!! Serious question - does anyone know if I flew over to any other country in Europe with the Mrs and kids can I have a nice house and claim benefits?

Re: EU exit, for or against?

Posted: 01 May 2016, 18:34
by cupidstunt
So to summerise open up our borders and let every low life in as we have unlimited houses jobs etc .Yes that makes a lot of sense wonder why i didnt think of that